Sunday, October 19, 2014

rail trail

Most people have an affection for trains...I certainly do.  
I remember hearing the train whistle in the distance on  warm summer nights as my dad helped us with our prayers and tucked us into bed. 
We crossed over railroad tracks several times on our 8 block trek to St James school in West Duluth.
 My favorite childhood book was "The Boxcar Children".
When I was a toddler mom took me and Susan to Milwaukee to see her relatives...Susan was a baby... I have a vague memory of the trip. When Teddy and Aimee were toddlers we took them to Minneapolis on the train...I left my baby home with Susan...I have a vague memory of that trip too.

Years later Jerry and I bought a house in Two Harbors, just one block from the overpass, where the  cars of iron ore pellets rumbled down the tracks to the docks by the lake.

When I'm home in Minnesota  the route I usually take for my daily constitutional has three legs. The first is the longest and most enjoyable. The pond has ducks and bullfrogs in the spring and  beavers and egrets in the summer....but the best part of the hike  is the trains.
 About half  the time I will hear a train in the distance coming down the pike as I'm moseying along... once in a blue moon I will be there to see it go under the road. 

Yesterday was a charm...I met the train, waved and got a friendly "toot". 
After relating my little encounter to Peter last evening he said,  "pulling the whistle is a good way to keep friendly relations with the public"...,

It sure is!

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